About Calvary Baptist Church
In March of 2000, Jeanette and I had the privilege of beginning ministry in Canon City with a group of faithful believers in a church with a history of faithfulness to His Word and a commitment to reaching the lost for Christ. In this short time, God has blessed our church in a wonderful way. The Church is God’s method for changing the world, one heart at a time. As members, we have the awesome privilege of being used by God to lead others into a relationship with Him.
As a dynamic church community we will strive to provide the opportunity for quality growth and maturity through the preaching/teaching of God’s Word as well as the fellowship of God’s people through Sunday School and other church activities. A full commitment to Christ and His cause is the goal. What else is worthy of the devotion and allegiance of our one and only life?
We are the "light of the world" and our vision is that Calvary Baptist Church will light the way for clear communication of God's truth to a lost world. We desire to impact the community in Canon City and surrounding areas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us know of any questions you may have or how we can serve you personally!
Answers To Your Questions
Our church has always had an open door policy. Feel free to ask any question about any ministry. We welcome your questions. Below are answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked.
What’s in the name Baptist?
This church is a Baptist church by conviction and principle, not by affiliation. This means that we believe the basic Bible teaching for which Baptists have historically stood.
As Baptists we believe—
• The Bible is our sole authority for all matters of faith and practice.
• The church should be autonomous or self governing.
• The believer does not need a priest other than Jesus Christ to come boldly to God.
• Every Christian has equal access to God personally.
• God’s Word gives us two ordinances for the church - baptism and the Lord’s table.
• Each person is individually responsible for his decision to accept Christ.
• The believer is eternally secure and cannot lose salvation.
For a more detailed account of what we believe, please see our Statement of Faith.
What does it mean to be an independent church?
As an independent Baptist church, we are not affiliated with any particular Baptist denomination or ruling body. This does not imply arrogance or self-righteous attitudes, but allows our congregation to be self-determining in its cooperation with other churches, institutions and missionaries of like faith and practice. Because of this we can support our own missionaries, select our own leaders, and support institutions that believe as we believe. In short, our church answers to the headship of Jesus Christ rather than a denominational body. There are currently more than 10,000 independent Baptist churches in America and thousands more throughout the world.
What does it mean to be non-charismatic?
This simply means that we are not part of the modern-day charismatic movement. We do not practice speaking in tongues, faith healing, sensationalism, or believe in extra-biblical revelation. While there are many people who prefer to worship this way, we choose to worship in ways that we feel to be consistent with God’s Word and His plan for this church.
What are your worship services like?
Every service begins with conservative and Christ-honoring music. Calvary Baptist Church has a great appreciation for the traditional hymns and gospel songs that have been used for generations. We also enjoy using newer songs that do not follow the pattern of worldly music. Sometime during the service an offering is taken for the members to honor the Lord with their giving. Pastor McDonald or a guest preacher will then deliver a challenging, Bible message and conclude by inviting you to make a decision for Christ. We are traditional in our style of worship, and our services are exciting and inspiring.
What is required for membership?
To be a member of Calvary Baptist you must first be saved and Scripturally baptized in a church of like-faith and practice. You must also agree to live in a manner so as not to bring shame upon the name of Christ or the church. While the leadership of the church does not dictate to the personal life of the members, we do insist that the testimony of each member is vital to the life of the church.